Woodenbridge Hotel, Co. Wicklow

Based on the large load generated by the hotel and the newly built extension, a 60m3 primary settlement tank, KEE DC16 rotating biological contactor, ST5 upward flow clarifier and sludge return system were installed. The application was challenging as the load varies over the course of a day, week and seasonally. The plant has now operated continuously since March 2003. The only downtime was during a 2 hour power cut. The plant has operated trouble free and final effluent test results have been excellent.

Commissioning date: March 2003

We continue to maintain the plant and take samples of final effluent for testing as per the client's discharge licence.

The plant consistently produces an excellent effluent standard even with the seaonal and weekly variations in flow.

No significant repairs have been made to the plant since commissioning over 11 years ago.


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